Focus Trading


Português (BR) English

Why choose Focus?

  • Quality Service;
  • Speed of execution;
  • Experience and Market Knowledge;
  • Specialized team;
  • Fast service.


In today's world, companies need to focus their efforts on their core business, on what is generally defined by the basis of their strategy towards the market, and leave the other activities (means) to outsourced economic agents.

This trend is not different in international trade. Many companies have already begun the process of outsourcing their import of goods operations, and focused only on selling products and meeting the needs of their customers.

In order to fulfill those companies' needs Focus International Trading was created - an import-export business that aims to promote appropriate solutions to international trade, with the excellente of the great companies in the field, but with one major differente: out personalized service.

Browse our site and learn a little more about the benefits that, together, we can bring to your company!

Rua Samuel Heusi, 190 - Sala 605 - Ed. Itajahy Trade Center - Centro

Itajaí, SC - CEP 88301-320 - Tel: +55 (47) 3045-7175